
How To Make Your Own Warrior Cats Clan On Animal Jam Wiki

The Warriors serial by Erin Hunter, a 6-series arc that tells the tales of cats living in dissever clans according to their abilities, has been a fantastically written series. Many fans love to emulate the series by writing fanfiction, whether it be of the original four clans or of other, made-up clans of their ain. All the same, there are many stories out there, and a cracking many of them could be improved. Read through this article for tips and tricks on writing a slap-up fanfiction about the Warriors series.


  1. 1

    Recall of an thought. The idea can exist about a true cat already in the Clans, a true cat like Rusty growing to become a warrior or even life in StarClan. Information technology tin be anything! The key hither, though, is to make sure information technology'south not something clichéd - that means something that is used likewise much. Most people volition curl their eyes and stop reading if yous write a story well-nigh "a cat with special powers that must fight to save their association." It'southward written about too much and it's not very interesting. To come up with a plot that's interesting, think of an chance you might actually want to read. You tin can make a story based on common plots, simply information technology must have a special twist or interesting take, rather than a echo of stories we've seen over and once again, such as medicine cats in love, a true cat who is abandoned, and and then on. Make certain the central parts of the story are there, too - you desire to know how y'all're going to stop it before you begin. Jot some ideas downward on newspaper or on a program like Word. Y'all don't accept to use all of the ideas you think of now in your fanfiction-in fact, you may even delete some of them! The thing to do now is brainstorm, brainstorm, begin and so you'll accept enough of good material to utilize afterward.

  2. 2

    Afterwards y'all've written some ideas down almost your plot, recollect virtually making your characters (this can be optional if you lot're writing a canon-based story and using already-created characters). The best grapheme has skillful qualities but is also flawed, likewise. Now, most people make the mistake of flaws every bit being "oh, my cat can't chase very well, so it's okay that she'southward attractive and the leader and the best true cat ever." These are referred to equally "Mary Sues" in the example of females. "Gary Stus" is used when referring to males. The fundamental to this sort of flaw is that it must really brand the cat miserable or unable to advance the plot at some point. She can't hunt? Information technology's only a viable flaw when the Clan is starving and she tin can't fifty-fifty feed her ain kits. That's when information technology actually becomes a "flaw." You lot have to make sure your flaw really is mentioned and has an effect on the characters and story, or else it might as well non exist! Other flaws to include are character flaws. These are things like pride, greed, jealousy, and other negative qualities. The best characters are lovable and great, only also have setbacks that make the reader understand and identify with them.

    • However, you also need to remember to requite them some skills, or else readers won't care near them and they're not relatable. But, if information technology's going to exist some minor character that'due south going to plough out to exist evil later, information technology's a practiced play tricks to requite them a lot of flaws so readers don't predict that they are a villain!
    • Some characters might have little "quirks:" things that make them unique and separate from the other cats but tin exist neutral. For instance, having a soft spot for kits, always trying to groom themselves, and always trying to chat with cats at Gatherings, are all examples of modest grapheme traits that often endear readers to your character. Dissimilar major flaws, these don't have to be fixed or resolved in the end or require a lesson, they can exist fun little details virtually characters to make them interesting.
    • Develop your character's appearance. This isn't super important if you lot're merely writing with no fine art, but looks can tell you lot a lot well-nigh the character. Appearance can affect both what the reader thinks of a character and what the graphic symbol does in the story. If your character is a gorgeous spotted cat with long eyelashes and a delicate build, information technology makes sense for everybody else to call up of her equally attractive. If they're muscular and gruff with narrowed eyes all the fourth dimension, they're usually fighter-types.
  3. 3

    Create a new clan (this is as well optional). Bringing in a whole new association with a new ready of attributes, lifestyles, and habitat tin raise the readers' attending. They would desire to know how this clan came in from the beginning and how they survived.

    • Be careful when creating Clan names. Things that aren't quite natural similar "MagicClan" or something long and awkward like "AuroraClan" are all things you want to avoid. Do something natural like IceClan.
    • Endeavour to requite your clans interesting culture to make them unique. These details can be anything from what the clans value (for example, WindClan values being resourceful, while ThunderClan values being helpful) to ceremonies, traditions, and ranks. Be creative and don't feel bound to the books!
  4. iv

    At present, information technology's fourth dimension to starting time planning your fanfiction. Take all the ideas that y'all've jotted down so far and try to pick and suit the ones you want to utilize into the story. Don't be afraid to improvise or showtime over with ideas and arranging, and don't worry most the ending as well much. Have things one step at a fourth dimension!

  5. 5

    Fourth dimension to write your fanfic! Effort beginning the story with an interesting section that lets the reader want to read more than. Something exciting simply relative to the story is what most authors get for. Some practiced ideas to hook your reader are starting the story with a fight (physically or mentally) or introducing a "new arrival" (your graphic symbol) in the Association or story. After you've finished the commencement affiliate or the prologue, move on to the adjacent chapter!

    • Avoid cliches such equally "a leader receives a dream from StarClan" or "a major character in the clan all of a sudden dies" unless you're certain you can pull information technology off and make it unique.
  6. half dozen

    Think that a lot of physical action scenes in your stories aren't bad - just employ them sparingly. If you take cats attacking and fur flying in every chapter, things get rather boring and anticipated.

  7. 7

    If it'southward crucial to the story, write out a prophecy. If y'all take i at all, make information technology good. For example, if a true cat named Grasspaw is the chief hero and Yellowpaw is evil, don't say something similar 'The grass shall defeat yellow,' because that kind of gives away the ending. Something like "When the color of the sun threatens the Clan, the blade of what grows from the earth shall rise and defeat it" is a bully prophecy.

    • Be very careful about writing prophecies. They can't exist obvious or likewise vague, and quite a few people have tried to use them and usually they just stop up making information technology a little light-headed. Don't employ one unless you know you tin can write a story with a prophecy, and the prophecy will be crucial to the story. There are also prophecy generators on websites like Scratch, only exist careful with some of the prophecies because they may come out weird, similar 'cat that saves a blade of grass volition win a battle against a mouse.' Don't use lists of prophecies, because most of them volition have already been used.
  8. 8

    As you write your story, retrieve well-nigh your story's climax. For people who are non familiar with the term "climax," a climax is the most exciting part of the story. There tin can exist a great battle betwixt the clans, a cat confronting a corrupted leader, or whatever is the most of import and exciting issue in your plot. At present, be conscientious not to write the climax too presently in the story. Disaster will strike if nosotros meet your cats and suddenly are plunged into a boxing.... and then the story is over. Brand the stuff leading up to your climax interesting and intriguing. Make the readers interested in what'due south going to happen.

    • Foreshadowing is a great method of tying the story together to make all of the big events and twists make sense. Foreshadowing is using little details in the story, and then having them hateful something much bigger afterward on. For instance, if it's revealed that your character Creekwater in the clan took a mate from a different association, y'all tin foreshadow this with details such as, "Creekwater never seemed to have a mate; she always said her listen was elsewhere."
  9. 9

    End the story. When you know your story's conflicts have been resolved and there isn't any more to tell, don't hesitate to end the story. However, endeavour to avoid ending your story with a sentence similar "And the prophecy was fulfilled." Yous tin make it and then much more interesting than that! Why non endeavor ending your story with a meaningful conversation between two of your characters, what happens in your graphic symbol's time to come, or even what happens to the villain? Try to make your catastrophe thing to the story. This may audio hard, only if you call up about where yous'd like your characters to get after the climax, you might find yourself with a host of peachy ideas!

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  • Question

    My story is nigh 'cats with powers that have to save the clans.' This article called information technology platitude, only I don't want to abandon the storyline. Do you take any communication to make it less deadening?

    Community Answer

    Well, if you don't want to make it platitude, and then give it a twist. Maybe make one of the cats with powers betray the other(s), and try to take over the clans with their powers.

  • Question

    How exercise I get a reader attached to a true cat without it being the master graphic symbol, I really need some tips!

    Community Answer

    Requite the character interesting qualities to make the reader emotionally fastened to them. Possibly they are a bubbly, clumsy, dull-witted, withal well-significant true cat. Or maybe a night, big-headed, and frustrated tom who is disliked at start, but later breaks down and regrets his past actions. Everyone forgives/befriends him. The possibilities are endless!

  • Question

    Should I read while I'thousand writing a volume? I sometimes discover myself discouraged, believing mine could never be equally good, but I as well know reading could requite me ideas.

    Community Answer

    Of course you should read! Reading gives a lot of ideas, but don't re-create or steal ideas. And if you read anything other fanfiction, always ask the permission of the writer earlier using his/her thought.

  • Question

    I have so many ideas for my book. Should I put them all into 1 book, or make 2 books (similar a small series)?

    Sillysnivy19 AJ

    Sillysnivy19 AJ

    Customs Answer

    Either is fine. I would make one book because it would be longer and the reader would not have to await for book ii, merely doing a minor series is fine!

  • Question

    I honey my characters so much that I have a hard time giving them bad qualities or killing them off equally office of the storyline. Do y'all have any tips for working through those issues?

    Community Answer

    I sometimes requite my characters bad qualities that I see in myself or people around me. This helps me personalize them without feeling bad most it. If you do kill a character, y'all could practice a bonus scene about them in StarClan and then the reader has some closure.

  • Question

    How tin I commencement the story?

    Community Answer

    Warrior books typically beginning with something involving StarClan. Usually, it's either StarClan cats telling a live cat a prophecy, or StarClan cats talking most a prophecy with each other. This is ordinarily the prologue.

  • Question

    How practice I make a volume almost wild cats without seeming as if I copied warriors?

    Community Answer

    You don't need to copy warriors to brand a good story. Don't use any names that have been in the books, and e'er double check. Don't use any of the same plots and be sure to make your own clans. Moreover, you can always credit Erin, which is something whatever skillful writer would practice to acknowledge the luminescence of other authors.

  • Question

    What tin I do to make my prologue longer?

    Community Answer

    Try calculation extra item so that the reader tin better visualize exactly what'southward happening. This volition brand the scene more interesting.

  • Question

    What are good websites to use?



    Community Reply and Wattpad are popular websites where you tin post fan-fiction. They are well-known and have many users, assuasive your story to have a good chance of being read.

  • Question

    Most how many chapters should be in my fanfiction? I want information technology to be pretty long, simply not crazy long.

    Misty The Cat

    Misty The Cat

    Community Reply

    Normal Warriors fanfictions are about 25 chapters long, but it actually depends on how long the chapters are.

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  • Brand the title short only interesting. This will catch the reader's attention correct from the first.

  • Whenever you think you lot want to make a cat die, become the audition fastened to the cat and then they accept more emotion when they die. Emotion is everything!

  • Use your imagination. There is nothing better than a stiff mind to aid you lot make stories!

  • Be original - but think that sometimes it'southward okay to have niggling ideas from other stories. Don't have a large chunk of the plot (i.e. taking someone's idea of cats having powers over the elements) just you tin borrow small details (i.due east. a absurd new herb they made upwardly). You may desire to give credit to them at the start.

  • Don't be likewise hard on yourself. It's only a fanfiction, and you don't take to write a whole book!

  • If at all possible, utilise Erin Hunter's writing manner. Try to be at-home and serious, but make sure you have at to the lowest degree something exciting or it won't exist worth reading. Read a few of her books to grasp her way, then get in your own by changing it with your original manner.

  • Remember that when writing warriors' names, you don't capitalize the 2d role of their name. It is Ferncloud, not FernCloud, and as all learned in 2nd grade, the first alphabetic character of the name is capitalized. Clan names need the 'Clan' capitalized - Clan needs to exist capitalized even when not using it with something earlier information technology - ("ThunderClan") but cats do not.

  • Exist authentic - don't have the warriors trust a dog joining their clan. If you need help on clan life, try having people more familiar with the series and warriors fanfiction cheque your piece of work for consistency or inquiry Association life on Warriors Wiki.

  • Try to introduce the main character(s) in your fanfiction to u.s. equally shortly every bit possible!

  • Ask for help. Friends and family who know the volume tin can help you come up up with ideas.

  • Don't take a Twoleg kit (human being child) joining a clan, if you do include a Twoleg kit, become information technology dorsum home after it spends time with the clan and has an run a risk.

  • If writing a longer story (such every bit a full book), be sure to add lots of detail. Calculation vivid item will help the reader sympathise the story better, and information technology could brand the reader feel every bit though they are part of the story, which will make them want to go along reading.

  • Endeavor to vary the words you employ in your story. Your readers might get bored if you continually use the same word instead of synonyms.

  • Be patient and calm in writing for information technology takes some time to exist done.

  • Keep characters balanced, yous don't want a whole clan of she-cats, or a whole clan total of evil cats!

  • Don't become too dramatic at first! Let your cats get together so when the drama happens and someone dies it can make them deplorable.

  • Brand certain you draw the cat without focusing on things like prophecy too much. Ensure yous describe their looks when introducing the true cat.

  • If yous tin't think of a good proper name, utilize this method: if your cat was silver, think of something like argent (grey). Now call back of something grey (squirrel). Go along going until you lot find an agreeable first part of the name. Do it again to go the second office of the name.

  • When choosing a championship for the story, come upwards with something that is related to the story. No choosing names just because they sound 'cool'. The title 'Fallen Stars' makes no sense if your story is about a famine forcing the Clans to a new territory!

  • Don't plagiarize. Taking something without credit can make rude people come after y'all and become mad, which is something that'southward a lot more trouble than information technology's worth. Ask permission earlier using an idea or source, and give them credit in your story.

  • Be careful not to have warrior names or plots from the books (unless your fanfiction is about the iv Clans).

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