
How Rare Are Nerd Glasses In Animal Jam

Hey animals! This is my second post of today that I just had to make. I've been significant to for a while, but until today information technology just slipped my mind.

This story starts out on a nighttime and stormy nighttime... simply a infinitesimal ago. After posting, I went online and found a friend of a friend online, who will go unnamed for this chestnut. I was redesigning my panda and went into Jamaa Township to trade for a green nonmem haversack, which every bit y'all know went out of stores around June.

I couldn't find anyone with a green backpack, and so I went to my friend of a friend, who was already in my den. I asked if he had a backpack, he said no, but I did run across he had 3 nerd spectacles sets on trade, so I tried to trade for them.

I knew how unbelievably common they were, merely I overpaid a bit: A cream glove, a blue 2nd/third AJ b-day cake, and a rare worn– which if yous didn't take into account the demand, would have been enough.

Of course, he canceled, which I was really kind of surprised by, so I asked him what he wanted for them. He said the glasses were worth a beta globe, which I had in my den.

It'southward kind of weird considering I was told the exact same thing a while ago, simply I just shrugged it off equally a scam then.

Considering I was told this yet once again by this friend-of-a-friend, I was getting a lilliputian convinced but then again, the last fourth dimension (and first time I met him) I traded with him, he wanted to trade a common item for the News Crew Winner plaque I had and seemed to not empathize why I wouldn't accept.

I tried to tell him that the nerd glasses were only a year erstwhile. They weren't worth a earth in the least, but then he told me that the 2 nerd spectacles on his trade with yellowish tape around the center were glitches, so they were worth more, i.e. a beta globe.

I said no, and he merely up and left, but when I traded him again for them (cream glove, shark fin, rare blueish worn) he accepted.

I'm not sure if he was trying to scam me, or just genuinely misinformed. Maybe a combination of the both?

Nerd glasses accept simply become a really popular item, among nonmems and members akin. And as an particular becomes pop, it increases in demand, and therefore in many eyes, increases in rarity.

But be careful who you're trading, and if something feels unfair, don't take.



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