
How To Ask To Bring Your Animal To Airbnb

Travelling with your pet has never been more pop than information technology is at present. Pet friendly is fast condign the norm nowadays. For instance, unabridged shopping malls, cafes and accommodations now allowing dogs and cats. However, the question remains, are pets allowed in Airbnb?

So gone are the days when you leave for your trip just to look back and see those big puppy dog eyes begging to come along. Now y'all can pack them a suitcase too and enjoy your time away in 1 of Airbnb's many pet-friendly listings.

Are pets allowed in an Airbnb?

First things first, are pets allowed in an Airbnb? Aye, yes and yep! Pets are certainly allowed to stay with you in an Airbnb, but you do demand the host's permission. You will too demand to make sure that the Airbnb you are choosing is pet-friendly.

Once you find a identify you dearest and want to check if it is pet-friendly. All you need to practise is whorl down to the bottom of the listing and look for house rules. Here you will find an icon of a paw print that volition bespeak if that Airbnb allows Pets or No pets.

Are pets allowed in an Airbnb?

Is there a pet filter on Airbnb?

Yeah, Airbnb does indeed include a pet filter. Luckily for us pet owners, Airbnb has made life easy for united states of america when we practise searches for properties. They have included a filter to display only pet friendly properties.

To use this, click on "More than filters" once you lot enter in a location. Then scroll down until you see the House Rules section. Then check the Pets allowed filter and so click prove stays at the bottom of the page.

Is there a pet filter on Airbnb?

Once you have this checked, then every Airbnb that shows up in the search is pet-friendly.

This doesn't hateful that you tin can bring your four Saint Bernards though. You lot will still need to contact the host to brand certain their place is suitable for your pets.

For example, your four Saint Bernard's volition definitely need an enclosed yard. Whereas a true cat will need a litter box, so always ask before striking the book now push button.

Is there an Airbnb pet fee?

At that place is no prepare fee for pets like there is for extra guests. If a host decides to set a fee for pets you will find this written within the listing description.

Hosts may also write in their house rules if their property is pet friendly. You tin can view this before you book under Boosted Rules at the bottom of the listing.

This service fee is in improver to your final price and is sent to y'all as a price adjustment after your book.

This is why you demand to contact the host before booking as y'all don't want whatever costly surprises. And equally you tin imagine, those four Saint Bernards will price more to host than a miniature poodle.

In some cases, a host will choose to charge a pet deposit rather than a pet fee. And so in other words, you don't pay anything if your pet is well behaved and doesn't leave a mess. While on the flip side if your pet chews on the furniture or drops hair, and then you may lose some or all of the eolith.

What is the average pet fee on Airbnb?

Average pet fee on Airbnb

Airbnb doesn't have an pick to set a fee for pets as they practice for extra guests. So it is entirely up to the host every bit to how much they accuse if at all. But as yous can imagine, a pet tin can leave a lot of extra mess in comparison to a person. Fur, muddy paws, window smears and little accidents all take time and coin to clean up.

Every bit Airbnb don't accept an choice to add a pet fee, a host will probable send yous a payment request for the additional funds.

The host tin base this fee on a number of factors:

  • The size of the domestic dog
  • The number of pets you bring
  • Blazon of pet
  • Accuse per twenty-four hours, per pet
  • But charged at the cease of the trip based on the amount of clean up required

I have seen some Airbnbs accuse as much as $150 per dog per stay and some hosts accuse aught. So information technology is best to practise your homework and talk to the host earlier booking.

On average, you would expect to pay $25 per dog/pet. This seems to be the corporeality that both host and guest are happy to concur on. If the fee seems a little high, experience gratis to negotiate with the host. For instance, if yous are bringing a house trained toy poodle, your host may reduce the fee.

Does Airbnb accept a Pet Policy?

It would surprise you how many people ask me if Airbnb has a pet policy. And the simple answer is no, Airbnb has no say when information technology comes to pets living in, or visiting, Airbnb'south.

Duckworth thinking

It is entirely upwardly to the host to set their ain rules and regulations in regards to pets. Hosts can prepare a one-time cleaning fee for the pet if they wish. In addition, they can also refuse entry if you haven't complied with their own fix rules.

The simply policy that Airbnb has in terms of pets, is for service animals. They state that any service animal is allowed to stay at an Airbnb fee free and without penalisation.

If a person living in the business firm is allergic to animals, the host is within their rights to decline a service animal. The reason for this is that Airbnb deems it a health risk.

So when information technology comes to animals, yous must comply with the rules and regulations set out by the host equally Airbnb doesn't accept a written pet policy.

How to tell if pets live on the Airbnb property?

Cat on a bed

Many hosts volition have pets that live on the holding. This can exist an issue for some people as they may exist allergic. You may also want to bring your own pet that doesn't get forth with others. So how tin you tell if there is going to be a pet living in an Airbnb?

When looking through the listing, whorl all the way down to the house rules department. There will be a smaller header nether this chosen – Read all rules. For some reason, Airbnb make this department difficult to observe. It is most always hidden under a drib-down menu that yous have to click to become access to.

First, click the Read all rules header to get access to the additional rules:

Airbnb house rules example

Then a department volition appear from nowhere chosen You must acknowledge. This will tell y'all if there are whatever pets that live on the property.

You exercise take to do some hunting to find this within the listing which is a bit counterproductive. But it is there buried in the deadening one-time rules that no ane really reads anyhow.

Airbnb acknowledge

What if my pet causes impairment?

So you brought your two French Bulldogs along on your trip and left them at the Airbnb while you went to a wedding. You lot make it home early the next morning only to observe the dogs have ripped apart the sofa!

So whats next? If you are a decent invitee, which I know you are, you will transport a bulletin to the host and written report the impairment. The host volition so send you a payment request along with a re-create of whatever receipts to pay for the damage.

If your host doesn't supply you with a receipt then you are well within your rights to refuse to pay until you lot see 1. After all, in that location's no way that old sofa is worth the $3000 that they are now request you to pay.

So if your domestic dog decides to chew the article of furniture, pee on the rug or pull autonomously the sofa, tell your host. Y'all will be worse off if you attempt to hide it and then having to deal with an angry host.

What if my pet causes damage?

Sneaking a pet into an Airbnb

So yous found the most amazing Airbnb, merely they don't allow pets. But your canis familiaris is only small, and its business firm trained, what could be the issue? And then yous decide to bring it along anyway without saying annihilation to the host. What'due south the big bargain? You're not pain anyone!

I of the main reasons that hosts don't let dogs is that a lot of guests are allergic.

Here are two true stories that happened during my fourth dimension hosting of guests sneaking in pets.

Pesky pet story #1

About an hour after our guests checked into our belongings, I get a telephone call.

"My friend can't cease sneezing and her eyes are all puffed up. You said your list doesn't allow pets when clearly there has been a canis familiaris in the apartment. We would like to leave asap and receive a total refund."

Sure enough, when I called the previous guest, they admitted to bringing their pocket-size canis familiaris. They claimed they didn't think it was an outcome. They ended upwards paying for the refund.

Pesky pet story #2

It was almost ten pm at night and I received a telephone telephone call from our current guest.

"I'm pitiful, merely we went to go into bed and at that place was canis familiaris poo under the pillow. Nosotros cannot stay here, we would like to find alternate adaptation and we would like a refund".

The guest the night before booked the 2 bedroom flat but only wanted to use the one room. And then I left the second bedchamber as is and close the door. The invitee checked himself in and must accept decided to bring his domestic dog along with him.

So the adjacent morning I am turning over the room. The second bedroom door was withal shut and the beds LOOKED untouched. Notwithstanding, old during the night the little pooch went into the second bedroom, snuck nether the pillow and went to the toilet.

This guest besides paid for the refund when questioned if he brought a dog into the apartment.

So if yous nevertheless decide to exist sneaky and smuggle in your pet, just call back that yous could end up paying for someone else'due south trip!

Here are some more stories from other guests around the world.


Hopefully your question is now answered on whether Airbnb allows pets. Yes, of class Airbnb is pet friendly, you but need to find the correct firm!

You now as well know how to filter out properties that are pet friendly via the search filter. On top of that, you lot are enlightened of how to detect if there are any fees for bringing a pet.

Further Reading


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