
Deku Black And White Drawing

  • Overview
  • Gallery
  • Synopsis
  • Relationships

It's not all black-and-white. Most things in this world are in shades of gray. A blend of fear and anger. Which is why... I've gotta extend a helping hand.

Izuku Midoriya to Lady Nagant in "The Lovely Lady Nagant"

Izuku Midoriya ( ( みどり ) ( ) ( いず ) ( ) , Midoriya Izuku ? ), also known as Deku (デク , Deku ? ), is the main protagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series.

Even though Izuku was born Quirkless, he manages to catch the attention of the legendary hero All Might due to his innate heroism and a strong sense of justice, and has since become his close pupil, as well as a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School. All Might passed on his transferable Quirk to Izuku, making him the ninth holder of One For All.

Following the Paranormal Liberation War, with Tomura Shigaraki and All For One actively targeting Izuku for his Quirk, he decides to leave U.A. before finishing his first year to keep his classmates out of harm's way.[4] After encouragement from his friends, he later returns to U.A.


  • 1 Appearance
    • 1.1 Gallery
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Quirks
    • 3.2 Super Moves
    • 3.3 Stats
  • 4 Equipment
  • 5 Battles & Events
  • 6 Relatives
  • 7 Chapter Appearances
  • 8 Anime Appearances
  • 9 Trivia
  • 11 References
  • 12 Site Navigation


Izuku is somewhat short for his age, his round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair, which at times are very watery, and are usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent, energized appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek, but despite these prominent traits, he's often described by others as being plain-looking.

Though he was initially very skinny, Izuku has gained toned muscles after his ten months of extensive training with All Might, and as the series progresses, these are shown to become more developed and defined as he gradually grows stronger.

After his battle against Shoto Todoroki, the fingers on his right hand became slightly deformed, and his hand shows scarring. His right arm was further damaged after his fight with Muscular, leaving even more scars all over it. Following his recovery after the said fight, Izuku wears a black compression sleeve on the upper portion of his right arm in order to support the heavy damage it sustained: it is partially visible when he wears short sleeves.

During his time in Junior High School, he wore a plain black gakuran uniform with yellow buttons, accompanied by white sneakers. While at home, he wears a green jinbei over a white shirt and gray sweatpants.

At U.A., he wears the standard male uniform: a light gray blazer with dark turquoise trimmings over a white dress shirt and dress pants, along with a red tie which he doesn't do up properly, leaving it much shorter than it should be. Instead of the plain brown shoes worn by the majority of the student body, he wears his signature pair of red high tops with white soles and black laces.

Izuku's original hero costume is a green full-body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves, along with his signature red boots. He also wears a mask with long ear-like protrusions that resembles All Might's haircut, and a respirator with a makeshift smile on it that also reflects that of said hero. The costume was severely damaged as a result of his first battle against Katsuki Bakugo and has to be repaired, which is why during the U.S.J. Arc and My Hero Academia - Save! Rescue Training, Izuku had to wear the U.A. gym uniform. This attire consists of a dark blue high-collared tracksuit with thick white lines over his torso and down his legs, forming the letters "U" and "A," and along with this, a respirator.

His second hero costume, Costume Beta, has a few changes and now looks sturdier and more combat-ready in appearance. The knee pads have been extended to his legs and reach up to his thighs, and his new gloves are tinted beige and are decorated with blue stripes. His respirator is now metal, diamond-shaped, and has eight holes. Izuku goes without a mask in his second suit, and although the mask is still present, he doesn't wear it much.

During the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc, Izuku had his costume upgraded again to suit his new fighting style, Shoot Style, by adding iron soles to his red boots to increase the power of his kicks. Arm braces were added, and his knee pads now have yellow bolts fastened into them (they were originally added in his second costume in the manga). He called this collection of upgrades, 'Costume Gamma'. Sometime later, just before the U.A. School Festival, Mei Hatsume creates support gloves to better help him use his powers for long-range attacks. Prior to the Joint Training Arc, Izuku adds the gloves to his hero costume and uses them in combat.

After the Paranormal Liberation War, his costume has been damaged, and he now wears Gran Torino's cape, as a memoir to his former mentor and to the deceased Nana Shimura. Due to his arm bracers and gloves being destroyed, he now wears four Mid-Gauntlets to support his arms and legs, as well as the old gloves from his beta costume. In addition, Deku now wears his mask frequently to conceal his identity. Very distinctive about him wearing the mask now are the shadows cast over his eyes, which causes only his green eyes to be visible. This appearing feature is very similar to All Might's look, who has his blue eyes shine through the shadows.

Following his fight with Lady Nagant, Izuku's left arm Mid-Gauntlet is partially destroyed, leaving it practically useless. After the explosion at All For One's mansion in Haibori Woods, Izuku gains an overall monstrous appearance that is stained in blood and filth. His costume, cape and gloves become more damaged and torn, his respirator appears to have gathered rust and chipped edges, and his iron soles are now crooked like talons. In addition to his monstrous appearance, Izuku also constantly sprouts up to six Blackwhip tendrils from his back, which according to Hanta Sero are one of the reasons why his appearance keeps scaring people.



Being Quirkless, Izuku lacked confidence around his classmates.

Izuku is a very timid, reserved, and polite boy, frequently overreacting to abnormal situations with exaggerated expressions. Due to yeаrs of being looked down on by Katsuki for lacking a Quirk, he is initially portrayed as insecure, tearful, vulnerable, and non-expressive. These traits are especially present around Katsuki, who also constantly harangued him for his aspirations to become a hero. However, after being accepted into U.A., making new friends, and facing Katsuki during the Battle Trial Arc, Izuku gradually matures into a more confident and brave person who's always eager to prove his worth as a hero, eventually developing strong leadership skills, which combined with his passion and strategic abilities, have turned him into a central figure within Class 1-A alongside Katsuki.[5]

Izuku's mumbling habit.

Izuku is a quite diligent and strong-willed student, being extremely (and sometimes scarily) enthusiastic about topics related to heroes. His dream drives him to write down notes about everything he learns in regards to heroes' Quirks and fighting capabilities. Thanks to this practice, Izuku has developed a great analytical mind and can form complex battle plans in a few seconds, factoring in the best ways he can utilize the Quirks of allies and enemies alike for his own advantage.

Izuku externalizes his observations through endless mumbling, a habit that annoys or creeps out his peers. Izuku often writes down his observations in a variety of notebooks he titles as Hero Analysis for the Future, checking on them regularly during school activities or at night.

Izuku rushing towards danger.

Izuku is caring and emotional, never hesitating to help or rescue someone in danger, even if he knows that he might not be strong or qualified enough to do it. Often, he does this on instinct, taking a more careless approach than the usual overthinking he goes through and putting himself in peril in order to protect someone.

Izuku is known to help or lecture people with personal and emotional problems, regardless if it's his business or not, claiming that a hero should meddle in other people's lives. This audacious spirit, while initially viewed as perplexing or even insane by others, is also recognized by many, and has earned the loyalty and gratitude of characters that were previously antagonistic to him such as Tenya Ida, Shoto, Hitoshi Shinso, Kota Izumi, Sir Nighteye and even the Hero Killer: Stain.

Izuku breaks down after being acknowledged by All Might.

He has a strong fascination with heroes and is shown well-versed in their history, sometimes surprising the heroes with his vast knowledge.[6] [7] [8] Of all heroes, the Symbol of Peace, All Might, has impacted and modeled Izuku's life the most. Many of Izuku's decisions and actions result from his desire to become a Pro Hero similar to All Might, and thus he has a great devotion to him.

Izuku is an avid collector of All Might merchandise, has knowledge of his several feats (no matter how minor), and emulates many of his traits. Having inherited his Quirk, one of Izuku's current priorities is to be able to live up to his idol's legacy, as he is always looking for ways to improve his usage of One For All, being aware of the immense pressure that comes with succeeding the greatest Hero of all time. The unwavering trust and approval Izuku receives from All Might has been vital to his development as a hero, especially when feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness plague his mind.

Izuku appears to have a more brash and abrasive side to him, which typically shows up when he finds himself in combat. This side of him makes him act more like Katsuki, being rather loud and unwavering, and also with a strong drive towards victory. He claims that this is because he sees Katsuki as the embodiment of what someone who strives for victory should be. He has also admitted that he doesn't like this side of him very much and tends to keep it in check. He does, however, find himself giving in to this almost feral rage when in dire situations and faced against opponents who had brutally hurt people he cares for, like in his battles against Overhaul and Tomura.

Izuku also possesses an empathetic side and has developed a desire to want to understand the villains he has faced, and potentially save them from themselves, even when others around him feel it is unrealistic. Initially believing Tomura to be a madman who just wants to meaninglessly hurt others, after learning about his tragic history and sensing the pain in his heart through their connection between One For All and All For One, this re-invigorates his belief that a great Hero is someone who saves others, not kills, and because of this, desires to learn how they became villains and see if there is any way to prevent a fight.

Following the conclusion of the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku has begun to drastically change his behavior. After suffering from the trauma brought in by the War, seeing countless innocent people have their lives ruined by society, having All For One relentlessly target him for his Quirk, and bearing the responsibility of protecting his friends, Izuku becomes more cold and distant towards others. When All For One vowed to break him both physically and mentally, he became increasingly paranoid about how much harm he will bring to those who are closest to him, The overwhelming stress and burden results in him rushing into fights and leaving behind All Might and the other Heroes looking after him so no one else will get hurt. This increasingly driven, serious side of him has even caused civilians to note that he doesn't look like a hero. After his friends from U.A. get through to him and take him back in, these traits seem to have diminished.


Izuku possesses moderate combat skills and fundamental fighting knowledge from his years of hero studies.

Overall Abilities: Izuku's greatest asset prior to receiving his Quirk was his vast knowledge of fundamental hero skills and tactics. Izuku studied Pro Heroes for years and is able to apply that knowledge during crisis situations in a practical manner. His immense bravery and desire to become a hero were also important factors in giving him the mentality to protect others. Before gaining his Quirk from All Might, he took on the Sludge Villain and rescued Katsuki because of his boldness and application of heroic skills, something that deeply impressed the No. 1 Hero.

Upon training with All Might, Izuku inherited One For All from him and was granted the ability to harness a stockpile of powerful energy. He can move faster than the eye can see and take down an enormous villain bot in a single punch, but the physical backlash at the time prevented Izuku from being able to fight properly or compete with his peers on an even playing field. Even so, he still possessed impressive physical durability, and his drive allowed him to withstand the drawbacks of One For All for the most part.

Izuku's combat abilities allows him to clash with stronger villains, notably Gentle Criminal.

Despite the intense drawbacks of One For All, Izuku's wits provide him with ways to use One For All that is still effective in battle. He also retains his ability to act instinctively based on his notes and possesses basic hand-to-hand combat knowledge. By applying those correctly, Izuku is able to fight toe-to-toe with even the strongest students of Class 1-A, such as Katsuki and Shoto.

Under the tutelage of Gran Torino, Izuku acquired more control over One For All, leading to the creation of One For All: Full Cowl, a technique that would eventually become a key component of his fighting style. With Izuku gaining greatly enhanced maneuverability, strength, and a significant reduction in the physical backlash created when using his Quirk uncontrollably, he was able to drastically improve his overall fighting capabilities; his newly attained abilities garnered praise from Gran Torino, who noted that Izuku was on a higher level than he was compared to the Sports Festival.[9] This specific improvement enabled Izuku to compete more closely with his classmates in the physical aspects of the Hero Course and even allows him to fight properly against top villains like the Hero Killer: Stain, who had single-handedly bested various Pro Heroes.

At 100% power, Izuku was able to hold his own against Tomura.

As Izuku's mastery over his Quirk improves, so do his practical skills. Also, when his skills and experience increase, so does his confidence, which is said to be a source of inspiration to his classmates as well.[5] His body, however, still remains relatively vulnerable to One For All's drawbacks, which gives Izuku a disadvantage against enemies like Muscular or Overhaul, whose Quirks were proven to be too powerful against One For All's weaker outputs, forcing scenarios where Izuku had to sacrifice his body in order to go all out. In order to protect his own body, particularly his arms, Izuku eventually develops his own unique fighting style, diverging himself further from All Might's.

Currently, Izuku is acknowledged by his classmates as a strong, reliable, leading figure, with both his strength and intelligence being respected equally. However, Izuku's Quirk is still an enigma for them (including Izuku himself), which makes him an unpredictable ally for better or worse. As Izuku keeps growing, so does One For All, and with the prospect of having new abilities unlocked in the future, Izuku has to work even harder in order to fully dominate the Quirk that was passed to him.

By the time of the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku's skills have grown exponentially to the point that he is able to fight alongside exceptional Pro Heroes such as Eraser Head, Gran Torino, and even the current number one Pro Hero, Endeavor. But his biggest feat thus far is holding his own against the Grand Commander of the Liberation Front, Tomura Shigaraki, who is powered by All For One and a modified body with strength comparable to All Might, and forcing the all-powerful villain on the defensive despite the latter easily overpowering the top Pro Heroes.

Following the aftermath of the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku has displayed greater mastery over his Quirks and showcased the ability to easily outmaneuver his enemies with Blackwhip and 45% of One For All, detect danger without gaining sensory overload, prove En wrong by creating a new Super Move using Smokescreen, and easily alternate between his arsenal of Quirks in his fight with Lady Nagant. In his fight against Class 1-A, Izuku displayed himself to be easily capable of fighting on even terms with some of U.A. High School's most powerful students and was shown capable of completely dominating them even when severely outnumbered before succumbing to exhaustion and stress.

Trained Muscles: Usage of One For All requires the user to have strong muscles, as One For All is a lot to handle and could cause the user's body to be blown apart if they don't possess the necessary bodily strength. Having been trained by All Might for 10 months in order to get his body physically ready to inherit One For All, Izuku gained a muscular physique that lets him perform at parameters higher than that of an average student outside U.A.'s hero course. During the Quirk Apprehension Test, he demonstrated a grip strength of 56 kilograms and the ability to run the 50-meter dash in 7.02 seconds (15.93 mph/25.64 kph). Even after these events, Deku diligently trains his muscles every day and becomes physically stronger throughout the series. He is often seen running laps and using dumbbells or grippers to train during his free time. Deku can also be observed doing the air chair exercise during the breaks between classes.

Izuku continues fighting even with broken fingers.

Immense Stamina: Izuku has shown on many occasions that he is capable of handling large amounts of pain. Such times were mostly side-effects of overusing his Quirk and frequently led to various broken bones. Izuku is able to avoid those repercussions by staying in a safe range of One For All power output (currently, this is around 45%).

Should he be forced to output more power, Izuku is still capable of fighting decently even with broken limbs thanks to the effects of adrenaline, but will succumb to exhaustion a while later. Izuku also has to be wary of his arms, which have grown damaged due to his repeated injuries and could eventually stop working altogether if he doesn't restrain himself.

After multiple months of hard work and training with the No. 1 Pro Hero Endeavor, Izuku has become much sturdier and resilient when it comes to the drawbacks of his Quirk, allowing him to withstand the recoil from 100% attacks without being instantly incapacitated. He has also shown an even greater pain threshold, when he managed to endure multiple smash attacks at 100% and attacks from Tomura while still standing.

Izuku is now shown to be capable of operating for days on-end without eating or sleeping, going across Japan and fighting multiple villains. Even when severe sleep deprivation and physical exhaustion accumulated, Izuku still fought against powerful villains for nearly a month and made it very difficult for his former classmates to restrain him for a lengthy period of time before finally collapsing.

Immense Strength: Even without his Quirk, Izuku has shown high levels of physical strength for a person his age. During his training with All Might (who weighs 255 kilograms or 562 pounds), he was shown to be able to lift him on his back while walking. During the sports festival, he could lift a slab of metal roughly the size of his body and wield it as an effective weapon to cleave a one-point bot in two.

When using One For All his strength further increases to superhuman levels: at 5% he can shatter metal pillars with a single punch, at 8% he can lift a steel I beam one-handed. At 15% he could lift several vehicles in the air with the aid of Blackwhip. At 30% he can lift a bus full of people one-handed and run fast enough to evade Tomura's decay and restrain the enhanced Tomura with aid from Blackwhip and his anger.

During the Tartarus Escapees Arc, Izuku's strength increases even further and he can now use 45% as his regular output with no backlash. Using 45%, he could defeat a weakened Muscular with a single punch when he was unsuccessful before, casually collapse a building when fighting his classmates, and even managed to break out of Fumikage Tokoyami's Ragnarök, shocking his friends.

At 100%, Izuku's strength rises to the level of All Might if not surpassing it, this allows him to commit astonishing feats. He could easily destroy a massive Villain Bot with a single punch, annihilate a twelve story building, create torrents of wind pressure with a flick of his fingers, and create a massive explosion with a single punch.

Immense Speed: Izuku possesses great reflexes with and without Full Cowl. He can react in time to defend from Shoto's ice which has been shown to occur in the literal blink of an eye and can keep up with Katsuki's movements in their first fight.

When using Full Cowl his reflexes and movement speed elevates to higher levels; at 5% he can keep up with Tenya's Recipro Burst which can move faster than the eye can see, at 8% he proved to surpass Katsuki's own speed and quickly and easily overwhelmed Hitoshi in combat in spite of Hitoshi's improvements, at 20% he could outpace Overhaul and at 30% he can keep up with the enhanced Tomura's speed. At 45% he was capable of keeping up with Lady Nagant's bullet and was even capable of dodging several of her shots, as well as keeping up with Muscular's movements which he previously could not follow.

At 100% his speed rises to levels rivaling or even surpassing that of All Might, which allows him to casually blitz capable villains and move several times faster than the eye can see. During his fight with Overhaul, he could completely out-speed the villain and move fast enough to create afterimages, and later completely overwhelm him with an instantaneous rush of punches. When fighting against Tomura Shigaraki, he could effortlessly blitz the villain and severely damage his weakened body, despite him possessing speed rivaling that of All Might and outclassing that of Gran Torino.

With his Faux 100%, Izuku overtook a already fired and moving sniper bullet from Lady Nagant. This allowed him to reach and push Overhaul aside, even before the bullet was able to finish the last small part of the entire distance. His speed was so great, it took the combined might of Class-A just to catch up with him.

Immense Durability: Izuku has shown the ability to withstand explosions from Katsuki without One For All and with 5% he's taken building-sized explosions from Katsuki and attacks from Muscular. At 30% of his power, he's withstood blows from the enhanced Tomura, who is said to have power rivaling All Might himself. At 45% he withstood being shot by Lady Nagant and even managed to survive a massive explosion triggered by All For One. Upon facing his classmates, Izuku was capable of withstanding several powerful attacks such as Fumikage's Ragnarök, ramming full-speed into Shoto's Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall, and even withstanding a collapsing building with little to no injuries.

At 100%, Izuku's durability and endurance rise to extreme levels, making him appear virtually invulnerable to physical trauma. In his fight against Tomura Shigaraki, he could withstand several attacks from the PLF leader and his own Quirk's backlash. In his fight against Nine, Izuku proved easily capable of completely nullifying several of the villain's attacks. However, Izuku's durability has shown to depend on the amount of injuries he has sustained, with minimal injuries providing the greatest results.

Izuku studying while working out.

Keen Intellect: Izuku has proven to be exceptionally intelligent on many occasions, displaying both keen observation and analysis skills as well as adept intuition and resourcefulness. His grades are among the highest of his class, showing that his One For All training rarely interferes with his studying. Izuku's intelligence has probably been a more useful asset to him than One For All so far.

Izuku is a quick learner, which has helped him figure out most One For All's mechanisms in a short span of time and work around its limitations. While some of his moves have been directly inspired by All Might (if not, outright copied), the majority of Izuku's moves and techniques were all conceived by him during sudden sparks of inspiration, proof of his creativity.

Izuku also has extensive knowledge of Pro Heroes, his classmates, and their Quirks, taking notes of them in great detail in his Hero Analysis for the Future.[6] This is fruit of excellent observational skills coupled with his own desires in becoming a hero by learning from the best, meaning that Izuku always has a natural interest in expanding his knowledge further and further.

Izuku is an exceptional strategist and tactician. By combining his aforementioned quick learning and knowledge about Quirks, Izuku is able to devise plans that take advantage of his friends' abilities to the fullest. Izuku's calculations have been crucial at several moments of his school life, allowing him to earn victories (like the Battle Trial), escape dangerous situations (the U.S.J. Incident) and save lives (the Vanguard Action Squad Invasion and Kamino Incident).

His intelligence is greatly respected by everyone in Class 1-A as many of his peers look up to him for planning and follow his strategies to the bottom line. Even Momo Yaoyorozu, the smartest student in the class, has looked up to Izuku as a reference.[10]

Adaptability: Thanks to his analytical abilities, Izuku is able to replicate the techniques of others. For example, after training with Gran Torino and gaining minor mastery of One For All, Izuku was able to duplicate Katsuki's moves during a training exercise. After training and drawing inspiration from his classmate, Tsuyu Asui, Izuku has become proficient enough with Blackwhip to generate a dark tendril from his tongue, allowing him to replicate her "Froppy Style" combat.

Izuku at the forefront of Class 1-A.

Leadership Skills: As a natural consequence of his bravery and strategic mindset, Izuku has displayed incredible leadership skills on various occasions.

By the start of his U.A. life, Izuku had already earned the trust of Ochaco Uraraka and Tenya thanks to his actions in the U.A. Entrance Exam, which was enough to allow him to be voted class representative early on (having relinquished the position to Tenya shortly after). Tsuyu and Minoru Mineta also placed their faith on Izuku during the U.S.J. Incident, following his instructions with little hesitation. By the time of the First Term Final Exam, he had already fought alongside Katsuki and Shoto, who were previously antagonistic to him.

Izuku might not be aware of this, but he is one of the main motivators within his class alongside Katsuki, thanks to a combination of his heroic drive and practical intellect.[5]

Strong-willed Spirit: Following his goal and idol All Might, Izuku has been shown to develop great determination and willpower through out the series. While feeble and doubtful at the beginning, Izuku steadily developed and proved his strong-will power against adversaries, people doubting and believing in him. He was the first one to move his body after All For One induced great fear onto him and his classmates. Even when Sir Nighteye foresaw Izuku's death and Eri's failed rescue, he refused to give up and promised to change fate.

During the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku displayed his resistance against Tomura's terrifying aura. While he did hallucinate his death for a moment, he quickly recovered from it and showed no fear when confronting the villain. When all hope seemed lost, Izuku decided to do everything in his disposal to stop Tomura, no matter what would happen to himself afterwards and knowingly going for the risk of forever losing his arms or worse.

After the Paranormal Liberation War, Yo Shindo noticed the change and development of Izuku's willpower, stating that he gives off a totally different vibe. Even when Izuku went to confront All For One in the Haibori Woods mansion, he only showed his anger-filled eyes and determination of defeating him.


Izuku utilizing 20% of One For All.

One For All (ワン・フォー・オール , Wan Fō Ōru ? ): Transferred to him from Toshinori Yagi, Izuku's Quirk allows him to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing him to significantly enhance all of his physical abilities to a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, stamina, agility, and durability.

Izuku can focus the stockpiled power into a single body part, or spread it across his entire body evenly, though, focusing the power in a single part puts a greater strain on that part of his body. He is also able to control what percentage of his full power that he uses. He is currently able to handle 45% of his full power without breaking his bones, with 30% being his normal output.[11]

The Quirk factors of the previous power holders have merged with the core of One For All and have drastically increased in strength since. This grants Izuku the ability to access and utilize the Quirks of the previous holders of One For All. He can even use more than one of these assimilated Quirks at a time, granting him even more options in battle. The known Quirks within One For All are:

  • Unknown Quirk: The Quirk of the second user. The name and abilities of this Quirk have not yet been revealed.
  • Fa Jin ( ( はっ ) ( けい ) , Hakkei ? ): The Quirk of the third user. This Quirk allows Izuku to build up and store kinetic energy as he moves. He can later release this stored energy as an explosive burst of speed and power.
  • Danger Sense ( ( ) ( ) ( かん ) ( ) , Kiki kanchi ? ): The Quirk of the fourth user, Hikage Shinomori. This Quirk allows Izuku to detect threats in the surrounding area. The detection causes a stabbing sensation in his head and it takes a toll on his body.
  • Blackwhip ( 黒鞭 ( クロムチ ) , Kuro Muchi ? ): The Quirk of the fifth user, Daigoro Banjo. This Quirk allows Izuku to generate tendrils of black energy from his body that are good for grappling. It is useful for grabbing things from long distances, as well as increasing Izuku's mobility.
  • Smokescreen ( ( えん ) ( まく ) , Enmaku ? ): The Quirk of the sixth user, En. This Quirk allows Izuku to generate a thick cloud of smoke. This smoke can cover a very wide area and obscure peoples' vision.
  • Float ( ( ) ( ゆう ) , Fuyū ? ): The Quirk of the seventh user, Nana Shimura. This Quirk allows Izuku to suspend himself in mid-air.

Izuku also has access to a subconscious realm where vestiges of the consciousnesses of the previous One For All holders dwell. These vestiges can trigger Izuku to activate One For All without any conscious input from himself, as seen when he was under the control of Hitoshi's Brainwashing Quirk and illusionary shadows of these echoes appeared in his vision. Izuku currently has little to no control over this aspect of One For All, being unable to freely enter or exit, his body not being fully materialized, which limits his movement within the realm, and only being able to talk through muffled sounds since his mouth has not fully manifested yet. However, Izuku has reached the point where he can freely communicate with the vestiges of the previous users while still conscious. Izuku is the first holder of One For All known to have gained access to this realm while still alive.[12] [13]

Super Moves

  • Detroit Smash (デトロイトスマッシュ , Detoroito Sumasshu ? ): The same as All Might's move, except Izuku does it in the form of an uppercut or a straightforward punch.[14]
  • Delaware Smash (デラウェアスマッシュ , Derawea Sumasshu ? ): Izuku flicks his finger to create a powerful wind pressure shock wave that has enough force to break large chunks of ice made by Shoto.[15] Due to using this attack at 100%, it fractures the finger, limiting the time he can use this move without gravely injuring himself up to ten times.[16]
  • United States of World Smash (ユナイテッド ステイツ オブ ワールド スマッシュ , Yunaiteddo Suteitsu Obu Wārudo Sumasshu ? ): A variant of All Might's Super Move. Izuku performs the move different from All Might by throwing an extremely powerful volley of punches and moving around the target in circles in order to build up pressure and momentum before rocketing towards the target at enormous speeds and delivering an enhanced kick, causing massive collateral damage comparable to a nuclear device. This move was powerful enough to completely nullify Flect Turn's Quirk and cause severe collateral damage around them. Izuku used this as a last ditch effort to defeat Flect Turn.

One For All: Full Cowl.

  • One For All: Full Cowl (ワン・フォー・オール フルカウル , Wan Fō Ōru Furu Kauru ? ): Through his training with Gran Torino, Izuku was able to unlock this stage of his power and get better control of his Quirk. This technique allows Izuku to utilize a percentage of the full power of One For All throughout his body, by letting the power course and flow through him instead of concentrating it in one location. According to Izuku, this technique gives him greater maneuverability.[17] Activating this technique gives him enhanced strength, speed, mobility, and agility. It also prevents him from breaking his bones when attacking. The cost of using this technique reduces the damage of how much his attacks do since instead of centering the power into a certain area, Izuku spreads it throughout his body.[18] [19] Izuku has been steadily improving the upper limits of the percentage of One For All that he could safely use with this technique since its creation. Izuku's initial limits at the time of creating the technique only allowed him to utilize 5% of the maximum output. During Izuku's fight against Katsuki after the Provisional Hero License Exam, he further improved this limit to 8%. Since his battle against Overhaul, Izuku was capable of using 20% without breaking his bones. At the start of Izuku's internship with Endeavor, he described his percentage limitations to be in the interval of 10% to 15% of his full power without any extraneous load and had also stated that he could use 20%, but not without causing immense pain that would majorly hinder his mobility in battle.[20] By the start of the Paranormal Liberation War Arc, Izuku improved this limit to 30% with the extraneous usage limit of 45% of his full power. [21]
    • 5% Detroit Smash (5 パーセント デトロイトスマッシュ , 5 Pāsento Detoroito Sumasshu ? ): Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl at 5% then jumps into the air and delivers an enhanced downward punch to the opponent.[22] He has also used this move in the form of a straight, forward-facing punch.[23]
    • Double Detroit Smash (ダブルデトロイトスマッシュ , Daburu Detoroito Sumasshu ? ): Izuku and All Might combine their Detroit Smashes into a single, devastating charge. They performed this final attack against Wolfram, shattering through a humongous chunk of metal and causing a huge explosion that destroyed Izuku's Full Gauntlet.
    • Delaware Smash Air Force (デラウェアスマッシュエアフォース , Derarwea Sumasshu Eafosu ? ): Izuku uses his upgraded gloves that Mei made for him to direct a blast of compressed air against his foe, possessing enough concussive force to stun Gentle Criminal while he was in mid-air, giving Izuku an opening to catch up to him.[24] By using all five of his fingers, he can launch up to four Delaware Smashes simultaneously.[25] It requires 20% of his power to use it effectively using One For All.[20]
  • One For All - 30%: A technique that allows Izuku to use 30% of One For All in his right arm. This percentage was used in conjunction with Melissa Shield's Full Gauntlet, which nullified any drawbacks to using One For All at higher percentages. Because of this, it is unknown how this state affects Izuku's body under normal conditions. With 30% Izuku was able to effortlessly blow away security bots with vast amounts of wind pressure created by the punch.[26]
  • One For All - 45%: A technique that allows Izuku to use 45% of One For All. He's only able to bring this level of power out for a brief period of time; to keep it from wrecking his body he activates it just before the moment of impact.[27]
    • St. Louis Smash Air Force (セントルイス スマッシュエアフォース , Sento Ruisu Sumasshu Eafōsu ? ): Izuku arches his leg back and performs a strong vertical roundhouse kick, firing a large blast of compressed air.[11]

A One For All Smash at 100%.

  • One For All - 100%: A technique that allows Izuku to attack using the full power of One For All in the desired part of his body, with the cost of said body part breaking upon execution. Further usage of the same limb after an initial attack can cause scarring, as seen with his fights against Shoto (causing Izuku to get surgery on his right hand due to injuries) and Muscular (leaving multiple scars across his right arm).[28]
    • 100% Detroit Smash (100% デトロイトスマッシュ , Hyaku Pāsento Detoroito Sumasshu ? ): This move involves Izuku activating One For All at 100% in his arm and then striking his target with a lunging punch.[29]
    • 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash (1000000% デトロイトデラウェアスマッシュ , Hyaku-man Pāsento Derawea Detoroito Sumasshu ? ): This move is the strongest smash move in Izuku's arsenal, which involves him activating One For All at 100% during an adrenaline rush and then striking his opponent with a full-swing attack. When performing the move Izuku first uses a full-handed Delaware Smash, then delivers a devastating Detroit Smash. During the climax of his battle with Muscular, Izuku managed to overpower and launch his augmented opponent with enough force to create an impact crater in solid rock with the strike alone, thus defeating the villain.[29]
    • Texas Smash (テキサススマッシュ , Tekisasu Sumasshu ? ): Izuku throws a punch in order to create wind pressure in order to blow objects and people away. This move is first used to critically damage Tomura during the Paranormal Liberation War. [30]
    • Wyoming Smash (ワイオミング スマッシュ , Waiomingu Sumasshu ? ): Izuku draws out 100% of his power into his arms, then proceeds to spike his opponent on the head, creating a powerful shockwave as a result. This technique was first used against Tomura during the war on the Paranormal Liberation Front. [31]

Izuku's Shoot Style.

  • One For All: Full Cowl - Shoot Style (ワンフォーオール フルカウル シュートスタイル , Wan Fō Ōru Furu Kauru Shūto Sutairu ? ): While using One For All: Full Cowl, Izuku uses a fighting style that focuses more on kicking.[32] Izuku concentrates One for All: Full Cowl's effects in his torso and legs rather than his arms, allowing him to put out even more power due to the fact that the human leg muscles are naturally stronger than the human arm muscles, granting him enough power and stability and allowing him to step away from the shackles of having to imitate All Might.
    • Shoot Style: St. Louis Smash (シュートスタイルセントルイススマッシュ , Shūto Sutairu Sento Ruisu Sumasshu ? ) While using the Shoot Style, Izuku leaps into the air and before swinging around to deliver a roundhouse kick to the opponent's face. Izuku used this move to incapacitate Gentle Criminal, who had been empowered by La Brava's Lover Mode Quirk to match Izuku's use of One for All: Full Cowl at 8% of its power.[25]
  • One For All: Full Cowl - 20%: Izuku uses 20% of One For All's full power and distributes it throughout his body, giving him even greater power and speed boost.[33]
    • Manchester Smash (マンチェスタースマッシュ , Manchesutā Sumasshu ? ): Izuku leaps into the air and flips forward to bring down an axe kick upon his opponent. Although Kai Chisaki managed to evade it, the attack itself pulverized the ground thoroughly enough that Kai wasn't able to completely retaliate with his Overhaul Quirk.[34]
  • One For All: Full Cowl - 30%: A technique that allows Izuku to consistently use 30% of One For All. He was able to utilize this level of One For All near the end of his first year of high school, during the war with the Paranormal Liberation Front.[27]

One For All: Full Cowl - 100%!

  • One For All: Full Cowl - 100% (ワン・フォー・オール フルカウル 100 % ( パーセント ) , Wan Fō Ōru Furu Kauru Hyaku Pāsento ? ): Izuku activates One For All to its fullest extent throughout Full Cowl, granting him a tremendous boost in speed and strength that not only rivaled that of All Might but allowed Izuku to easily overwhelm the likes of Kai Chisaki. This was first used against Kai Chisaki to protect Eri. The power increase seemingly gives him fire-like trails coming from his eyes and light-colored hair. He can currently only use it infinitely with no damage done to his body while in physical contact with Eri. Since Eri has the ability to Rewind the state of a person's body, any damage done to Izuku's body by using One For All at 100% would continually be undone by Eri's Quirk which proved useful in his fight with Overhaul.[35]
  • Froppy Style (フロッピースタイル , Furoppīsutairu ? ): Using Blackwhip, he shoots a tendril out of his mouth and uses it like Tsuyu does with her tongue.[36]
  • Full Blast ( ( ぜん ) ( かい ) , Zenkai ? ): Using Smokescreen, he activates it at maximum force to unleash a large amount of smoke instantly.
  • Pinpoint Focus ( ( いっ ) ( てん ) ( とっ ) ( ) , Itten Tokka ? ): Using Blackwhip, he quickly shoots a tendril at a specific target to attack them.
  • Faux 100 Percent ( ( ) ( ) 100 % ( パーセント ) , Giji 100 Pāsento ? ): Izuku draws out 45% of One For All's power, and combines it with the stored kinetic energy generated by Fa Jin. By doing this he is able to draw out the blinding speed of using One For All at 100%, without the recoil that comes with it.
    • Faux 100 Percent: Manchester Smash ( ( ) ( ) 100 % ( パーセント ) マンチェスタースマッシュ , Giji 100 Pāsento Manchesutā Sumasshu ? ): Izuku activates Faux 100 Percent, and lands an axe kick on to his opponent at blinding speed.


Power 1/5 E
Speed 1/5 E
Technique 4/5 B
Intelligence 4/5 B
Cooperativeness 5/5 A
Izuku's stats, according to the Ultra Archive Book
Power 5/6 A+
Speed 5/6 A
Technique 5/6 A
Intelligence 5/6 A
Aura 1/6 E
Izuku's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book


Costume Gamma (コスチューム γ ( ガンマ ) , Kosuchūmu Ganma ? ): Following Izuku's decision to change his primary combat technique to Shoot Style, Mei upgrades his second costume. New additions consist of improved arm bracers that span the length of Izuku's arms in order to prevent further damage to them and iron soles to increase his kicking power.[37]

  • Iron Soles (アイアンソール , Aiansōru ? ): Created by Mei, these Iron Armor Soles attach to Izuku's signature red shoes. Upon kicking something, the soles absorb the impact and redistribute the kinetic energy back out to increase the impact strength of Izuku's kicks.[38] Izuku requested the soles to strengthen his kicks after resolving to change his fighting style.
  • Air Force Gloves: Created by Mei, these gloves allow Izuku to focus and aim bursts of pressurized air that he creates by flicking his fingers.[24] This allows Izuku to use long-range projectile attacks using One For All. After Izuku's battle with Tomura during the Paranormal Liberation War, the gloves, along with the arm bracers, were completely destroyed.[4]
  • Mid-Gauntlet (ミッドガントレット , Middo Gantoretto ? ): Presumably created by Melissa after the Paranormal Liberation War, similar to Full Gauntlet allows Izuku to use One For All's power in higher percentages without the worry of harming his body, though will break if used at 100%. Following his fight with Lady Nagant, Izuku's left Mid-Gauntlet is partially destroyed, leaving it practically useless.

Full Gauntlet (フルガントレット , Furu Gantoretto ? ): Created by Melissa, it was given to Izuku after she figured out that he was limiting his output of One For All, during the faux villain course at the I-Island Expo. The device allowed him to use his Quirk at higher percentages without the risk of self-injury. The gauntlet was later destroyed at the climax of Izuku and All Might's fight against Wolfram.

Battles & Events

Battles & Events

Entrance Exam Arc

  • Sludge Villain Incident
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain
    • All Might vs. Sludge Villain: Rematch
  • U.A. Entrance Exam

Quirk Apprehension Test Arc

  • Quirk Apprehension Test

Battle Trial Arc

  • Battle Trial
    • Izuku & Ochaco vs. Katsuki & Tenya

U.S.J. Arc

  • U.S.J. Incident
    • Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui & Minoru Mineta vs. Villains
    • Eraser Head & U.A. Students vs. Tomura Shigaraki & Nomu
    • All Might & U.A. Students vs. League of Villains

U.A. Sports Festival Arc

  • U.A. Sports Festival
    • Obstacle Race
    • Cavalry Battle
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Hitoshi Shinso
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Shoto Todoroki

Vs. Hero Killer Arc

  • Hero Agency Internships
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Gran Torino
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Gran Torino: Rematch
  • Hosu Incident
    • U.A. Students vs. Hero Killer: Stain
  • Rescue Training Race

Final Exams Arc

  • First Term Final Exam
    • Team Midoriya & Bakugo vs. All Might

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes

  • I-Island Incident
    • U.A. Students vs. I-Island Security Bots
    • Deku vs. Swordkil
    • Deku vs. Wolfram
    • All Might & Deku vs. Wolfram

Forest Training Camp Arc

  • Class 1-A Swimming Competition
  • Quirk Training Camp
    • Class 1-A vs. Pixie-Bob
  • Vanguard Action Squad Invasion
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Muscular
    • Tiger & Mandalay vs. Magne and Spinner
    • U.A. Students vs. Moonfish
    • Bakugo Escort Squad vs. Vanguard Action Squad

Provisional Hero License Exam Arc

  • Super Move Training
  • Provisional Hero License Exam
    • Crushing of U.A.
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Fake Camie
    • Izuku's Gambit
    • Gang Orca's Invasion
  • Deku vs. Kacchan 2

Shie Hassaikai Arc

  • Class 1-A vs. Mirio Togata
  • Hero Work-Studies I
    • Izuku Midoriya vs. Sir Nighteye
  • Shie Hassaikai Raid
    • Eraser Head & Deku vs. Toga
    • Nighteye Squad vs. Mimic
    • Nighteye Squad vs. Overhaul & Chronostasis
    • Deku vs. Overhaul

U.A. School Festival Arc

  • Deku vs. Gentle Criminal
  • U.A. School Festival

Pro Hero Arc

  • Class 1-A vs. Nejire Chan & Suneater

Joint Training Arc

  • Joint Training Battle
    • Round 5

My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising

  • Hero Work Recommendation Project
    • Deku and Bakugo vs. Nine
    • U.A. Students vs. Nine
    • Deku and Bakugo vs. Nine: Rematch

Endeavor Agency Arc

  • Hero Interview Training
  • Hero Work-Studies II
    • Endeavor & Hawks vs. Starservant
    • Endeavor Agency vs. Ending

My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission

  • Endeavor's Mission

Paranormal Liberation War Arc

  • Paranormal Liberation War
    • Jaku Hospital Raid
      • Hospital Raid Team & Trainees vs. Tomura Shigaraki
      • Best Jeanist & Trainees vs. Paranormal Liberation Front

Tartarus Escapees Arc

  • Deku vs. Muscular: Rematch
  • Deku vs. Lady Nagant
  • Deku & Dynamight vs. Dictator
  • Deku vs. Class A


Chapter Appearances

v e
Entrance Exam Arc
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Debut
2. Roaring Muscles Appears
3. Entrance Exam Appears
4. Starting Line Appears
v e
Quirk Apprehension Test Arc
5. Smashing into Academia Appears
6. What I Can Do for Now Appears
7. Costume Change? Appears
v e
Battle Trial Arc
8. Rage, You Damned Nerd Appears
9. Deku vs. Kacchan Appears
10. Breaking Bakugo Appears
11. Bakugo's Starting Line Appears
v e
U.S.J. Arc
12. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
13. Rescue Training Appears
14. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
15. Vs. Appears
16. Know Your Enemies Appears
17. Game Over Appears
18. Heroes' Counterattack Appears
19. All Might Appears
20. The World of Pros Appears
21. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
v e
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
23. Roaring Sports Festival Appears
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Appears
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Appears
26. Chase Down the Leader Appears
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Appears
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Appears
29. Unaware Appears
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Appears
31. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Appears
33. Shinso's Situation Appears
34. Victory or Defeat Appears
35. Battle On, Challengers! Appears
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Appears
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Appears
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
40. Emancipation Appears
41. Fight On, Ida Appears
42. Final-Match Time Appears
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
44. Relaxing Day Off Appears
v e
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Appears
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
47. Struggling Appears
48. Getting the Knack Appears
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Appears
50. Kill 'Em Dead Appears
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Appears
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Appears
53. From Todoroki to Ida Appears
54. Re: Ingenium Appears
55. Conclusion?! Appears
56. Conclusion Appears
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Appears
58. Internship's End Appears
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Appears
v e
Final Exams Arc
60. Gear Up for Final Exams Appears
61. The Worst Combo Appears
62. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Appears
63. Yaoyorozu Rising Appears
64. The Task at Hand Appears
65. Wall Appears
66. Midoriya's Observations Appears
67. Stripping the Varnish Appears
68. Encounter Appears
69. Interview with Midoriya Appears
v e
Forest Training Camp Arc
70. Wild, Wild, Pussycats Appears
71. Kota Appears
72. Day Two Appears
73. Good Evening Appears
74. Smoke Signal Appears
75. Stake Your Life, Hero! Appears
76. My Hero Appears
77. It's Okay Appears
78. Whirling Chaos Appears
79. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Appears
80. Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade Appears
81. Roaring Upheaval Appears
82. What a Twist! Appears
83. Loss Appears
v e
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
85. Nothing but Fools Appears
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Appears
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Appears
91. Symbol of Peace Appears
92. One For All Appears
93. One For All's Ember Appears
94. From Teacher to Disciple Appears
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
96. Home Visits Appears
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Appears
v e
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Appears
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Appears
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Appears
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Appears
102. On Cloud Nine Appears
103. The Test Appears
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Appears
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Appears
106. Class 1-A Appears
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Appears
108. RUSH! Appears
109. Rescue Exercise Appears
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Appears
111. Smoldering Start Appears
112. What's the Big Idea? Appears
113. Test's Aftermath Appears
114. Results' Aftermath Appears
115. Unleashed Absent
116. Meeting in Tartarus Appears
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Appears
118. Meaningless Battle Appears
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Appears
120. The Three Appears
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Appears
v e
Shie Hassaikai Arc
122. A Season for Encounters Appears
123. Unrivaled Appears
124. Trouble Ahead!! Episode: Work Studies Appears
125. Overhaul Appears
126. Open Up, World Appears
127. Sir Nighteye and Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata and All Might Appears
128. Boy Meets... Appears
129. Eri Appears
130. Listen to the Truth Appears
131. Fighting Fate Appears
132. The Plan Absent
133. Catch Up, Kirishima Absent
134. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Appears
135. An Unpleasant Talk Appears
136. Close at Hand!! Appears
137. Restraint!! Appears
138. Go!! Appears
139. Shudder! The Underground Labyrinth Appears
140. Suneater of the Big Three Appears
141. Hassaikai: Behind the Scenes Absent
142. Shield and Shield, Spear and Shield Appears
143. Let's Rumble, Rappa!! Absent
144. Red Riot, Part 1 Mentioned
145. Red Riot, Part 2 Absent
146. Temp Squad Absent
147. Twoga!! Appears
148. The Anguish of Young Twoga Appears
149. Don't Get Mad, Irinaka Appears
150. Mirio Togata Flashback
151. Mirio Togata!! Absent
152. Lemillion Appears
153. Transform! Appears
154. Unforeseen Hope Appears
155. Saviors, the Saved and a Hero's Place Appears
156. The Power of Those Saved Appears
157. Infinite 100 Percent Appears
158. Chisaki's Warped Compassion Appears
159. It's Over!! Appears
160. Expressway Mentioned
161. Bright Future Appears
162. Suitable One Appears
v e
Remedial Course Arc
163. Smoldering Flames Appears
164. Masegaki Absent
165. Win Those Kids' Hearts Absent
166. Be Proud, License Trainees Absent
167. Number One Hero's Starting Line Appears
168. The Strange Tale of Aoyama Appears
v e
U.A. School Festival Arc
169. School Festival Appears
170. With Eri Appears
171. Gentle and La Brava Appears
172. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 1) Appears
173. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 2) Appears
174. Golden Tips Imperial Appears
175. Morning, the Day Of Appears
176. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Appears
177. At the Construction Site Appears
178. The Woman Called La Brava Appears
179. School Festival Start!! Appears
180. Unbeknownst Appears
181. For Someone Else Appears
182. Let It Flow! School Festival! Appears
183. Festival All Day Long!! Appears
v e
Pro Hero Arc
184. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
185. Wing Hero: Hawks Absent
186. Endeavor and Hawks Absent
187. Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End Absent
188. Your Father, the Number One Hero Appears
189. Why He Gets Back Up Appears
190. His Start Appears
191. Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor Appears
192. The Todoroki Family Appears
193. Vestiges Appears
v e
Joint Training Arc
194. Cold Skies over U.A. High! Appears
195. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Appears
196. Make It Happen, Shinso!! Appears
197. Quaotic Quirkstravaganza Appears
198. Know Where You Stand when It Counts!! Appears
199. Operation New Improv Moves! Absent
200. Clever Commander! Absent
201. Foresight Absent
202. Match 3 Appears
203. Flexible! Juzo Honenuki! Absent
204. Tuning Up Appears
205. Detour Voice
206. Match 3 Conclusion Appears
207. Early Bird! Appears
208. Match 4 Conclusion Appears
209. Match 5 Start Appears
210. The One For All Dream Appears
211. That Which Is Inherited Appears
212. That Which Is Inherited, Part 2 Appears
213. Realm of Souls Appears
214. Our Brawl Appears
215. Final Face-Off! Midoriya vs. Shinso! Appears
216. Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion! Appears
217. The New Power and All For One Appears
v e
Meta Liberation Army Arc
218. The Meta Liberation Army Appears
219. Go, Slidin' Go! Mentioned
220. My Villain Academia Absent
221. Memento from All For One Absent
222. Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion Appears
223. Cockroaches Mentioned
224. Revival Party Absent
225. Interview with a Vampire Absent
226. Bloody Love Flashback
227. Sleepy Absent
228. Wounded Soul Absent
229. All It Takes Is One Bad Day Absent
230. Sad Man's Parade Absent
231. Path Absent
232. Meta Abilities and Quirks Absent
233. Bright Future Flashback
234. Destruction Sense Absent
235. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
236. Tenko Shimura: Origin, Part 2 Absent
237. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
238. Liberation Absent
239. Successor Absent
240. Power Absent
v e
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Appears
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
244. Recommended Reading Appears
245. Rise to Action Appears
246. Message Appears
247. Status Report! Appears
248. One Thing at a Time Appears
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
250. Ending Appears
251. Just One Week Appears
252. The Unforgiven Appears
v e
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Appears
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Absent
255. Hero Hopeful Absent
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Appears
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Appears
258. Friends Appears
259. A Quiet Beginning Appears
260. Life's Work Absent
261. High-Ends Absent
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Absent
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Absent
264. One's Justice Absent
265. Villains and Heroes Absent
266. Happy Life Absent
267. Flames Absent
268. Scramble! Absent
269. The Three of Us Absent
270. Inheritance Appears
271. Dark Cloud Absent
272. Good Morning! Appears
273. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
274. Search Appears
275. Encounter, Part 2 Appears
276. You Cheated...! Appears
277. Who...? Appears
278. Disaster Walker Absent
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Appears
281. Plus Ultra Appears
282. Footfall of Destruction Appears
283. 75 Appears
284. Deep Blue Battle Appears
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
286. The Ones Within Us Appears
287. Mistake Appears
288. Save Takeo!! Mentioned
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Appears
290. Dabi's Dance Appears
291. Thanks For Going Strong Appears
292. Threads of Hope Appears
293. Hero-Saturated Society Appears
294. Final Performance Appears
295. Tenacious Appears
296. Hellish Hell Appears
297. Tartarus Absent
298. Sounds of Collapse Appears
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Absent
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Absent
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Flashback
303. Top Three Appears
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Appears
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Appears
306. The Final Act Begins Appears
v e
Tartarus Escapees Arc
307. Been a While!! Appears
308. Full Power!! Appears
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Appears
310. Masters and Pupil Appears
311. Here We Go!! Appears
312. Hired Gun Appears
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Appears
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Appears
315. Platitudes Appears
316. Your Turn Appears
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Appears
318. Reckless Appears
319. Friend Appears
320. Deku vs. Class A Appears
321. From Class A to One For All Appears
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Appears
323. That Single Step Appears
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Appears
325. The Bonds of One For All Appears
326. Who Are You Really? Flashback
327. Rest!! Appears
328. No Man Is an Island Flashback

Anime Appearances

v e
Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Debut
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Appears
3. Roaring Muscles Appears
4. Start Line Appears
5. What I Can Do for Now Appears
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Appears
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Appears
8. Bakugo's Start Line Appears
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
10. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
11. Game Over Appears
12. All Might Appears
13. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
v e
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
15. Roaring Sports Festival Appears
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Appears
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Appears
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Appears
19. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
20. Victory or Defeat Appears
21. Battle on, Challengers! Appears
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
24. Fight on, Ida Appears
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
26. Time to Pick Some Names Appears
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Appears
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Appears
30. Climax Appears
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Appears
32. Everyone's Internships Appears
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Appears
34. Gear up for Final Exams Appears
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Appears
36. Stripping the Varnish Appears
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Appears
38. Encounter Appears
v e
Season 3
39. Game Start Appears
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Appears
41. Kota Appears
42. My Hero Appears
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Appears
44. Roaring Upheaval Appears
45. What a Twist! Appears
46. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Appears
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Appears
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Appears
53. The Test Appears
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Appears
55. Class 1-A Appears
56. RUSH! Appears
57. Rescue Exercises Appears
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Appears
59. What's the Big Idea? Appears
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Appears
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Appears
62. A Season for Encounters Appears
63. Unrivaled Appears
v e
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Appears
65. Overhaul Appears
66. Boy Meets... Appears
67. Fighting Fate Appears
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Appears
69. An Unpleasant Talk Appears
70. GO!! Appears
71. Suneater of the Big Three Appears
72. Red Riot Appears
73. Temp Squad Appears
74. Lemillion Appears
75. Unforeseen Hope Appears
76. Infinite 100% Appears
77. Bright Future Appears
78. Smoldering Flames Appears
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Flashback
80. Relief for License Trainees Appears
81. School Festival Appears
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Appears
83. Gold Tips Imperial Appears
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Appears
85. School Festival Start!! Appears
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Appears
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
88. His Start Appears
v e
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Appears
90. Vestiges Appears
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Appears
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Appears
93. Operation New Improv Moves Appears
94. Foresight Appears
95. Match 3 Appears
96. Match 3 Conclusion Appears
97. Early Bird! Appears
98. That Which Is Inherited Appears
99. Our Brawl Appears
100. The New Power and All For One Appears
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
103. One Thing at a Time Appears
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Appears
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
106. The Unforgiven Appears
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Appears
108. My Villain Academia Mentioned
109. Revival Party Flashback
110. Sad Man's Parade Absent
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Voice
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Appears


Early design concept for Izuku and his costume.

  • Izuku was originally planned to be an adult, as seen in the one-shot My Hero.
    • In the early concept stages of My Hero Academia, Izuku was known as "Mikumo Akatani." He had a longer and curlier hairdo, with bangs blocking one of his eyes. He was Quirkless in this concept, relying more on makeshift gadgets and luck to deal with obstacles. His hero costume was also slightly more intimidating. The costume was shown in a sketch having an orange color scheme.
    • Kohei Horikoshi once commented that he was unsatisfied with Mikumo's design, especially his hair. This made Horikoshi think up the current design with slightly shorter hair.[1] He also received suggestions from editors to give the protagonist an actual superpower, so he wouldn't naturally fade into the background.
  • According to Izuku's profile in Volume 1:
    • His favorite food is Katsudon.
    • He was deliberately designed to look plain.
  • Regarding Izuku's academic life and performance, his U.A. data is as follows.
    • Student No. 18 in Class 1-A.
    • Ranked seventh during the U.A. Entrance Exam.
    • Ranked twentieth (last) for the Quirk Apprehension Test.
      • His fifty-meter dash record is 7.02 seconds. His previous record was 7.49 in middle school.
      • His grip strength record is 56 kilograms (123.459 pounds). His previous record was 40 kilograms (88.185 pounds) in middle school.
      • His softball throw record is 705.3 meters. Without his Quirk, it's 46 meters.
    • Ranked fourth in Class 1-A's mid-term grades.[39]
    • Ranked in the Top 8 of the U.A. Sports Festival First-Year Stage.
      • Izuku received only one nomination from Gran Torino for his U.A. Sports Festival performance, technically making him the tenth most nominated Class 1-A student.
    • Scored seventy-one in the Provisional Hero License Exam.
  • Izuku's surname contains the kanji for "green" ( , midori ? ) and "valley" ( , ya ? ), and his given name contains "coming out/being from a certain place, one's turn to go on" ( , izu ? ) and "long ago, old story" ( , ku ? ).
    • "久" is also homophonous to "nine" ( , "nine" ? usually read as kyū), which refers to him being the ninth user of One For All.
  • "Deku" (デク , "Deku" ? ) is another reading of his first name, Izuku (出久 , Izuku ? ). Written with different kanji, it can refer to a wooden figure or puppet ( 木偶 ( でく ) , deku ? ), which is a term often used as an insult for someone who can't do or achieve anything.
    • Izuku's nickname, "Deku," was given to him by Katsuki when they were children as an insult.
    • According to Kohei Horikoshi, the inspiration for the name Deku was from Kenji Miyazawa's poem "Ame ni mo Makezu" (Be Not Defeated by the Rain).
    • Later, Ochaco finds the nickname inspiring and says that "Deku" gives off a feeling of "I can do it" ( 頑張 ( がんば ) , ganbaru ? ), because of its similarity to the word meaning "to be able to do" (できる , dekiru ? ).
    • In the Funimation dub, both Katsuki and Izuku indicate that his nickname is an abbreviation of a different nickname: "Defenseless Izuku," hence Deku.
  • Izuku's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows;
    • Izuku ranked first in the first Popularity Poll.
    • Izuku ranked second in the second, third, fifth, and sixth Popularity Polls.
    • Izuku ranked third in the fourth Popularity Poll.
  • Izuku is the seventh oldest in his class, with his birthday taking place on July 15.
    • He also shares his birthday with Mirio Togata.
  • His Quirk is listed as "Super-Power" (超パワー , Chō Pawā ? ) in public records, in order to protect the secret about One For All.[40]
  • Izuku's alpha costume cost only ¥40,380 ($370.53 U.S. dollars) to make.[41]
    • Izuku's later costumes share the same designer as Shoto's.[42]
  • Izuku's Japanese voice actor for when he was a child, Akeno Watanabe, also voices Nemuri Kayama and Mika Jiro.
  • Izuku is one of three characters (along with Nine and Gigantomachia) with the third most amount of Quirks, possessing a total of seven Quirks, though he does not have access to one of these Quirks yet.


  • (To All Might) "I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I'll never catch up otherwise...! I want to be like you...! Like you. The strongest hero." [43]
  • (To Katsuki) "I'm not gonna be your worthless punching bag Deku forever... Kacchan. I'm... I'm the Deku who always does his best!" [44]
  • (To Shoto) "Just trying to meet expectations! A smiling... dependable... cool hero... That's what I wanna be! That's why I'm giving it everything! For everyone! Your experiences... your determination... I can't even begin to imagine what all that's like... but... If you become number one without giving it your all... Then I don't think you're serious... about denying him everything! That's why I have to win! I have to surpass you!" [45]
  • (To Tenya) "I-I've got a lot to say to you, but... That'll have to come later...! Because it's like All Might said... Giving help that's not asked for... is what makes a true hero!" [46]
  • (To All Might) "I'll do my best! Whatever you say, All Might... I'll step up to the challenge! As long as you're by my side, I can do anything... That's how I feel, anyway!" [47]
  • (To Kota) "If all the villains attacking tonight are on his level... everyone's in trouble. And they might be after us students. I need to tell Mr. Aizawa and the Wild, Wild Pussycats what I know. If my actions can save any of them... Then I've gotta do something." [48]
  • (To Overhaul) "If I can't save one little girl right in front of me... Then how can I ever hope to be a hero who saves everyone?!" [49]


  1. 1.0 1.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 1, Omake
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 My Hero Academia: Ultra Analysis: The Official Character Guide (p. 20-21).
  3. My Hero Academia: Ultra Archive: The Official Character Guide.
  4. 4.0 4.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 306.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 106 and Episode 55.
  6. 6.0 6.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 2.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 6 and Episode 5.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 70 and Episode 40.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 and Episode 33.
  10. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 55.
  11. 11.0 11.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 272.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 286.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 287.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 10 and Episode 7.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 15 and Episode 10.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 38 and Episode 23.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 48 and Episode 27.
  19. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 49 and Episode 28.
  20. 20.0 20.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 247 and Episode 103.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 275.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 52 and Episode 29.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 72 and Episode 41.
  24. 24.0 24.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 176 (pp. 8-15) and Episode 84.
  25. 25.0 25.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 180 (pp. 9-10) and Episode 85.
  26. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes.
  27. 27.0 27.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 275 (p. 9).
  28. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 75 and Episode 42.
  29. 29.0 29.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 76 and Episode 42.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 285 (pp. 4-5).
  31. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 282.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 101 (pp. 17-19) and Episode 52.
  33. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 154 and Episode 75.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 155 (p. 5) and Episode 75.
  35. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 157 and Episode 76.
  36. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 293.
  37. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 (pp. 1-2) and Episode 53.
  38. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 105 (p. 14) and Episode 54.
  39. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 60 and Episode 34.
  40. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 39.
  41. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 5, Omake
  42. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 13, Omake
  43. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 2 (p. 17) and Episode 3.
  44. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 8 (pp. 16-17) and Episode 6.
  45. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 39 (pp. 8-12) and Episode 23.
  46. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 52 (pp. 9-10) and Episode 29.
  47. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 59 (p. 14) and Episode 33.
  48. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 77 (p. 4) and Episode 43.
  49. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 158 (pp. 13-14) and Episode 76.

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v e U.A. High School
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v e Endeavor Agency
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v e Families and Civilians
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Soul Family Eddie Soul • Lala Soul • Rody Soul • Roro Soul
Haimawari Family Koichi Haimawari • Shoko Haimawari
Oguro Family Iwao Oguro • Tamao Oguro
Skyline Family Christopher Skyline • Pamela
Civilians Aorio Kuraishisu • Daikaku Miyagi • Eri • Gantetsu • Hikage Shinomori • Hime • Ichimoku Samazu • Ikkaku • Jube Namimaru • Komari Ikoma • Kota Izumi • Luminescent Baby • Miyashita • Public Safety Commission President • Rin Yaritezawa • Saito • Samuel Abraham • Sho • Takuto • Tamashiro • Taneo Tokuda • Teruo Hazukashi • The Mother of Quirks • Tsubasa • Untenmaru Kurumada • Yokumiru Mera

Deku Black And White Drawing


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